Mutual Aid vs. Non Profitization

It is imperative that we differentiate between mutual aid and non-profitization. Mutual aid is about radical relationality. With a spirit of mutual aid, we build relationships of trust & common interest. This means that it is non-heirarchal, allowing us to understand that well-being, health, dignity, and survival is bound up with one another. And although we see mutual aid popping up more and more these days within the context of our communities, as a result of uncertain circumstance, we are now beginning to understand that our community was here all along. Mutual aid is not limited to food distribution. It can include childcare, health, housing, disability justice, legal support, etc. It is a POLITICS & a PRACTICE.

In contrast, MUTUAL AID IS NOT…

  • Transactional

  • Only for crisis time

  • A replacement for economic securities nets provided by our government

  • Charity 

This is important to understand when comparing mutual aid to non-profitization. For more information about the limits non-profitization and how its role in US political activity is coming to be dismantled, listen this Death Panel podcast w/ Dean Spade:


Turbulence & Community Care